Artist: Melissa McCracken
Country: Kansas, USA

Melissa is an artist from Kansas city with a very rare and unique perception when it comes to art, as she suffers from a condition known as Synesthesia, which causes the brain to process stimuli in a different way, in this case, she interprets sounds as colours. Famous songs such as “Imagine” by John Lennon, and “Gravity” by John Mayer, have been transformed from audible to visual thanks to the artist. Not wanting to let such a condition define her, she instead chose to see it as a positive, and use it in her art.

… the most wonderful “brain malfunction” of all is seeing the music I hear.

As Melissa puts it, “Basically, my brain is cross-wired. I experience the “wrong” sensation to certain stimuli. Each letter and number is colored and the days of the year circle around my body as if they had a set point in space. But the most wonderful “brain malfunction” of all is seeing the music I hear. It flows in a mixture of hues, textures, and movements, shifting as if it were a vital and intentional element of each song. Having synesthesia isn’t distracting or disorienting. It adds a unique vibrance to the world I experience.

The vivid and striking visuals and intense colours really capture the emotion behind their respective songs.

Synesthesia Synesthesia Synesthesia Synesthesia Synesthesia Synesthesia Synesthesia Synesthesia Synesthesia Synesthesia Synesthesia

Images Courtesy Of

Founder & Editor in Chief @ Enzpired | Representing the magazines more traditional art movements, Timothy's primary focus is within classical fine art, particularly the Dutch Golden Age and Impressionism. With a penchant for dapper suits and the english language, striking a balance somewhere between The Great Gatsby and Oscar Wilde.


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