
Create Custom Designer Map Prints With Many Maps

Many Maps

Anyone who has used Google Maps, can attest that there are some truly beautiful cities around the world. Thanks to a website called “Many Maps” you can now bring a touch of design to these already stunning locations. Simply pick your location, express your style, and save it as a high-resolution map print. Available to be printed as poster or on canvas, and starting at $19.

Most notably, the whole process couldn’t be easier, chose your location, Select your colour scheme, specify either landscape or portrait, then you are free to customize the colours cheme in terms of what colour the roads are, water and parks. Better still, you can drop pin markers for your favorite places.

Available in sizes 8 x 10″ through to 24 x 36, and with shipping worldwide (roughly a week), this would be a great last minute gift idea for the wanderlust traveler in your life.

Paris, France
Sydney, Australia
London, UK
New York City, USA
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